Known issues in SkyRanch.Life - no game is perfect :C

Known issues

We also wrote a small guide here on how to run the game if you have issues related to that.

Right now, we're unaware of any other issues, but we're sure there are some hiding around. If you find anything feel free to inform us on our social media or through the contact form. We prefer Discord since some problems require some follow-up questions. Thank you! 😊

Maybe a few bugs, but eh... could be worse

We try to have the game as polished as possible, but we're only two people.

A warm thank you to people reporting bugs and giving feedback🥰.

We think the game is rather pleasant in it's current state, we hope you think so too. If you'd like to support development of this project with a few bugs here and there, check out the perks on our Patreon 🤤.