SkyRanch.Life banner for version 0.2.1. Bat Rock - Leaky Willow. Vleed is in his coffin while Siren Sarah is pondering the type of punishment to apply.

SkyRanch.Life v. 0.2.1

SkyRanch.Life version 0.2.1 brings numerous fixes and quality of life improvements over v. 0.2.0 thanks to the extensive feedback received from x and Karpmagi in our Discord server 😊.

This version skips the Early Access perk for Patrons since it's not a content-heavy release, even though it does have a nice smol addition: Easter Eggs 🥚 !

For now, the Easter Eggs are counted on the front page of the ðŸ“• Tome of Mildly Useful Knowledge, with their separate category coming soon. On this dedicated page we're working on you'll find hints to avoid the clicks of desperation 😠💢 .

Change log here for the curious cats.

Next update will bring some exploration 🗺 and we're excited to see how it will end up. If you're curious about the process you can join us on this gamedev journey and become our Patron! 🥳